Them: What are you wearing to the gig tonight?
You: Jeans and a nice top.
Them: *Turns up in jeans and a nice top too*
You: *Turns up in jeans and your baby bolt crop which doubles as a nice top (clever)*
Them: Wait, you didn’t tell me you were going to whip out the baby bolt crop tonight.
You: Hey, seeing you is a special occasion. *Shrugs smugly, feelin’ gooood*
Them: Goddamn that baby bolt is cute.
You: Yeah, I know, but c’mon let’s go. The night is young! Let’s grab a bev. Watch a band. Eat some potatoes on sticks. You know, all our favourite things.
Them: It’s just, it’s just… it’s so teeny-tiny. So cutie.
You: *Begins walking towards the potato on a stick truck*
Stranger: Hey, sick shirt. WhOoAaA look at that baby bolt! That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen IN MY LIFE!
You: Hey, thanks so much, SunPrints in Brisbane embroidered it right on this super soft AS Colour crop, and check out the back.
Stranger: WhOoOaAaAa – the BACK! Also so soft!
You: *Winks*
Them: Oh, I hadn’t even seen the back!
Everyone: SoOoOoOo CoOoOoOoOl
And then everyone eats potatoes on sticks, sips a coupla’ bevs and many more compliments about your baby bolt crop dance into your ears as you jig to your favourite band. The night makes it into your top 5 ever. Who would’ve thought that teeny-tiny, oh so cutie baby bolt could do so much. Here’s to your new go-to crop.