Ellie Hopley ‘accidentally’ started her business Shuturp four years ago. You know those creatives who just ‘get you’ even though you’ve never met? Yep, that’s Ellie. Spilling with fierce honesty, raw human nature with a nostalgic insight into existential intricacies.
Shuturp’s art that “embraces all the ups and downs of being alive.” First homed in paper notebooks, these quirky masterpieces made their way to apparel soon after and they’re bloody delightful. Breakfast socks, jim jams, and excellent hats.
Here we chat about Shuturp’s artistic inspiration, staying el natural and features in ELLE.

Shuturp’s art collection is freaking amazeballs with ice cream on top. Have you always had the same style, or has it developed over time?
“Thanks, I love ice cream. My style has definitely developed over time and I think it will continue to change as I grow and feel new things. I hope one day I am able to draw hands that don’t look like feet…”
Do you have any insider tips for artists wanting to grow a cult following like Shuturp?
“I never actually meant for Shuturp to become a “thing” so… I don’t have too many tips! I guess just post as often as you can, engage with the people that are following you and stay true to you. Create things that you want to create and never force anything.”
What’s been a mind-blowing highlight in your career?
“I recently had my first art show which was super amazing AND I will be featuring in ELLE magazine in the near future which is ridiculous.”
Your pieces vary quite a bit – where do you draw inspiration from before creating a schmick artwork?
“All of my inspiration comes from how I feel, places I’ve been, situations I’ve been in… If I am having a bad day I will probably draw something related to that. Because I think it’s important to share the shit times. Especially on Instagram where most people only share the good parts of life which is great but..unrealistic, hun.”
What’s next for Shuturp?
“Oooo. More clothes, more art shows and hopefully more stores all over the world stocking my brand.”
Need some more Shuturp
in your life? Um, yes, of course. Pick up your very own piece of excellence from the online shop, or tune in for one of Ellie’s live art creations on Instagram.