
Gold Coast beauty Karina Irby began her entrepreneurial story seven years ago when she pioneered reversible cheeky cut swimwear company- Moana Bikini .   Seven collections, one fitness program and close to half a million followers later, vivacious and down-to-earth Karina Irby is one of the most influential figures on Gold Coast’s fashion designer scene – […]

Entrepreneur, Pioneering Swimwear Designer and Moana Bikini Founder Karina Irby Chats Hawaii, Loving What You Do and Business With Readcity.

INSPIRE, Uncategorized

In case you're curious, I have a background in psychology, creative and technical writing. In a past life, I was an Acquired Brain Injury Specialist and failed my career as an Uber Driver. Now we're here. Well, we've been here since 2017 (I mean not 'here' here, but you know what I mean). Have a peek around handy articles right here. Not 'here' here, up there above here. Okay I'll stop. 

But you can call me llama mama ding dong if you like

Hey, I'm Dan

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A cat-loving, U2 despising brand voice strategist and launch copywriter for rebellious business rock stars.

Hey, I'm Dan
