Nobody wants to seem salesy. You know the type…greasy-slicked-back-hair-sporting car salesman, circa 1980s, with the beige wide leg slacks and the hunger for commission. You don’t even want to blink in fear that he’ll take it as a ‘yes’ and run your credit card before you can say “hair gel”.
Salesy is the *opposite* of what you want to be, yet sales are the reason why you do what you do. Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think? If you’re wondering how to increase the sales volume of your business WITHOUT being a salesperson, you’ve come to the right place.
The good news?
It’s possible to not only attract dream customers through your virtual doors, but also make sure they leave with the product, service or commitment that would put the most profit in your sweet little back pocket.
All without leaving the bad taste of desperation otherwise known as – you guessed it – being salesy in your mouth.
Sound too good to be true? It isn’t! A targeting strategy’s besties with sleeze-free sales.
We understand your heartbreak warfare. You’re getting clicks and visits, you check your Shopify or WordPress analytics excitedly, watching that sweet, sweet customer journey unfold.
But that’s where it ends.
They add to cart and bail, or they spend time scrolling your juicy offering, yet it doesn’t convert to real life money.
Let’s talk about how to get the devil of low conversions off your shoulder so your sales head in the right direction.
As much as we love a real life in-store browsing experience with some rockin’ jams in the background and a sweet cup o’ joe in hand – the truth is, the future of sales is online (even the champs at Forbes say so).
Selling without the greasy sales talk? It feels like searching for a needle in the hay. No more, Rock Star.
Selling may make you want to cut off your arms, so you don’t have to do it in written form. Don’t. I repeat: don’t cut off your limbs
If you chat with a marketing guru for long enough, you’ll hear terms like ‘cold emails’ and you’ll feel like you’ve been transported onto the set of The Wolf of Wall Street (still love you, Leo). Ultimately, what they’re talking about is outbound marketing.
Outbound marketing is old school, the OG. It refers to anything used to push your message out to potential customers. This used to look like cold calling and door knocking (did anyone else just get a shiver down their spine?), but nowadays, it looks like email blasts and networking events (fun!).
Outbound marketing is absolutely important and has its place, however, inbound marketing is the little engine that could when it comes to increasing the sales volume of your online business.
Inbound marketing involves creating content that solves problems. And offers your killer solutions the moment your ideal client needs it.
Inbound strategies allow you to engage a crowd that’s actually made up of people who love what you’re shakin’.
Imagine walking into a room and everyone loves your outfit, envies your hair, and thinks you’re the most interesting person they’ve ever spoken to. That’s what good inbound marketing feels like.
One of the best ways to transform your marketing strategy from an outbound to an inbound one is to make your website an absolute hub for your industry or offering.
If your dream peeps want info, products or insight, your site should be where they head.
A person who just sold their stuff through inbound marketing. And look. No arms were harmed.
Flamin’ hot tip: All of this works to improve your Search Engine Optimisation, which ultimately makes Google shine its all-knowing, all-seeing eye upon your business, give it a Bowie-worthy nod of approval, and share it around to your potential customers like you’re its pride and joy.
You’re here because you’re scratching your head, wondering how to sell without being salesy.
Well, Search Engine Optimisation is *the* way to increase the sales volume of your online biz without going all seedy salesman on your customers.
It is our Obi-Wan Kenobi, the wind beneath your wings and our true north in the stormy seas we call ‘the internet’ (bah bah bahhhhhhm).
There are thousands (thousands, I tell ya!) of future fans out there looking for exactly what you’re offering.
Whether you sell cat-themed crochet needles (yes, please) or you’re an accountant offering rockin’ tax advice – your future fans are out there, right now, looking to knee slide into your enquiry folder.
It’s SEO’s job to make sure they can find you.
Strong SEO increases your opportunity to:
Ready to take your SEO relationship to the next level? Take the SEO Sinner Quiz and you’ll be one step closer to rock star-level fame and glory.
Ever been to the wrong gig? Decked out in leather in a room full of ball gowns? Whether it’s a recurring nightmare or a real lived experience, you know what it’s like to be the wrong face in the crowd.
Don’t let this happen to those who visit your website.
Attracting *the right* clients to your business is a surefire way to increase the sales volume of your business without forcing people to buy what they don’t want to.
This will ‘salesy-proof’ your business and make sure that everyone at the party actually wants to be there.
Get clearer than a glass of gin about your dream client’s:
Not to mention:
By knowing your dream clients inside out, the way they experience the world and their *exact* words used to describe these ditties… you’re able to reach their minds (logic) and hearts (emotions) in a way that build trust and your brand’s authority.
It’s through this echoed articulation that you don’t appear salesy at all.
Because you’re not.
In fact, you’re simply solving the problems they’ve wanted solved all along.
If you’re ready to take your first step to sell without seeming salesy, SEO’s a killer one. Watch this FREE SEO masterclass: Your First Discoverable Article, where you will learn what SEO *actually* is, experience some epic myth-busting, learn how to make some real life cashola from your blogs, and more!
Your friendly, neighbourhood copy tour manager. Here to help ambitious business rock stars like you rock your copy at every stage of your biz road trip.