Clare Wood launched her Business Coaching business after she was made redundant while on maternity leave. Sheesh! As a natural nurturer, yet wildly driven, Clare “fell madly in love with helping Entrepreneurs take their business to the next level.” Having met Clare at a recent networking event, I can see exactly why her online and inner circles love her so fiercely.
Hilarious. Insightful. And de-bloody-lightful.
Here we chat about all things business coaching. When to find one, what to expect and common struggles faced by business owners.
“I help women set really clear plans for their businesses: defining a vision, mapping out steps to get there. I do one-off sessions, but of course, the most value and best results are achieved through ongoing, regular coaching to keep you on track with your plans!”
“There are a few reasons why business owners might come to me.
One – They might be wanting to up-level their business and grow, but aren’t 100% sure how.
Two – They might be just feeling really overwhelmed and want some clarity or help managing stress levels and time management.
I give tailored solutions for my clients, but if you want some advice about growth strategies, or getting out of the overwhelm, you can check out my Facebook Group Businesswomen in Services where I post regular videos to help you in your business.”
“I would say if you are struggling with anything in your business, then it’s time to work with a coach.
Many different coaches do different things, so work out exactly what it is you need help with and find someone that specialises in that! For example, I’m a numbers and growth coach.
I believe strongly in looking at your financials, and if they are not where you need them to be, making a plan to turn it around!”
“Patience, resilience and consistency! Great businesses take time and a lot of hard work. Just don’t give up and keep believing in yourself.”
Want to keep up with what’s new in the world of Clare Wood? Chuck her a follow on Instagram, receive her best business tips straight to your inbox, or book in for a chinwag directly from her website.
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