Want to know the biggest reason why your business needs a blog?
Well, when you have a problem and you want an answer fast, where do you go?
And what’s on Google?
Predominantly blogs, duh!
So when business owners say that blogs are for bored mums and DIY craft lovers, we do have a moment of chuckles. Every business should be blogging, but often the confusion stems from – why? Here’s just the tip of the iceberg for why your business needs a blog.
So you’ve got a completely bangin’ website, you slaved over that copy or got a pro to jazz it up for you so it was perfect. But when you think about it, how often do you update it? Your homepage, about page, contact… We’re guessing not too often. That’s where the first problem arises if you don’t have a blog.
Google leeerves active websites. In fact, blogging to keep your website active has a pretty positive impact on your Google rankings when written with SEO strategies in place. And if you aren’t into the idea of investing in paid advertising, it’s one of the savviest ways to shoot you to the top of the search engine result pages.
But, like, how?
Basically, Google’s crawlers come along and visit your website to index pages officially. When your website is consistently updated on a regular basis, Google perks up and knows to come and index your pages more frequently. Meaning? Your influence online strengthens with each index. Ultimately this leads to a more trusted website in Google’s (robot) eyes and we all wanna win over that scallywag.
Keeping your website active also gives your existing customer or client base a reason to come back to your website, potentially scroll through your products and services before falling in love with you all over again. Did we already mention that your blog is one of your business’s best friends?
What can you get for free these days? Not a whole lot. But with a business blog, you are providing your target audience with free information straight from your noggin. Not only does this add value to your audience, it also strengthens your position overall as an expert in your field.
A business who knows their stuff, writes about things their ideal customer is interested in and answers questions they have? Heck yes, that’s something you’ll wanna get in on, right?
If your consumer has a question and you have the answer, what do you reckon they’ll think of you? A whole lot more than someone who doesn’t have the answer – that’s what! Start thinking about some questions that arise a lot from your customer base, what they’re interested in and what you can tell them about.
But then go further than this. What aren’t other people telling them about? How can you create content that stands out from your competition and provide a whole new level of value to your business?
If someone doesn’t know your business name, chances are (I dunno, we’re just guessing) that they’re not going to type it into Google. So how on earth are you going to reach them?
Through blogging!
When you shift your keyword focus from your business name and towards what you have to offer instead, the results can be phenomenal. In fact, when we launched one of our client’s blogs, they received 1900% increase in visits to their website over the course of six months. Wha-whaaat?
This can be attributed to an increase in leads from a newly active social media channel but c’mon, not the whole 1800% right? This is the perfect example of business’s reaching a whole new audience interested in their services. Team this with a lead magnet and, hello, you have a new email list subscriber who wouldn’t have found you otherwise.
When you create hugely valuable, entertaining or enthralling blog posts, others are like to share them. Did someone just say free marketing? It’s easier than ever to get your content seen by more people and every business should have a blog because of it.
Simply by adding a call to action to the end of your blog post you are able to provide your audience with their next step. From here you can lead them through your sales funnel and then tada, they’re yours!
The more call to action plugs you can squeeze onto your website the better. And not only does Google see websites with multiple pages as more trustworthy, each and everyone of them adds an extra chance for email capture, enquiry or purchase.
Once you publish your packaged words of wisdom, they’re available forever.
Well, unless you take them down.
But you won’t.
Because you’ll put your heart, soul and a celebratory brewskie into them.
So if you’ve done your research, people will continue asking the question you’re answering and coming across your website. This is not only a great way to assist with Google rankings, but it’s also pretty darn efficient on your part. Think about it. One investment of time and energy can keep on working for you for years to come.
Want to start a blog but don’t have the time to write fab pieces? Maybe you just want a hand coming up with ideas and researching or to offload the whole lot. Get in touch to discuss our digital article options available to businesses across the globe.
Your friendly, neighbourhood copy tour manager. Here to help ambitious business rock stars like you rock your copy at every stage of your biz road trip.
I have just read your blog and, as you have said, a blog is always beneficial for a website. I really agree with you. The blog is very important to increasing traffic on our website. Thanks for sharing such an important blog.
Totally agree with all of it. Thanks for sharing.