Copywriting mistakes. Ahh, those sly dawgs.
They slip through the cracks.
And before you know it, you’re hosting one helluva wordy-faux-pas-party.
If you DIY your copy, you’ll know exactly what I mean.
Maybe you’d been writing for robots before you saw a beauty brand call you ‘sexy minx.’ And at that moment realised you’d been addressing yours as ‘client’ when they’re were more ‘cobbers’ and ‘legends.’
Perhaps you’d fallen into old habits – speaking in passive voice instead of active.
Or your content team came to you wanting to sell, sell, sell – sans community building.
I. Hear. You.
As a copywriter myself, I’m forever scrolling, voyaging through websites, consuming content and eating up words.
Over time I’ve seen some seriously epic copy. But naturally, I’ve also seen a multitude of copywriting mistakes, too.
(Some that you may be making right now).
But whoa whoa whoa, let’s jump back for a mo.’
When it comes to crowd surfing the wave of brand copywriting, you could fall into three categories:
1. You DIY, writing what feels right.
2. You DIY and research the heck outta copywriting. I’m talkin’ the specifics of consumer psychology, inspiring action through words – brand personality, copy strategies and linguistic modes. (Seriously, kudos if this is you.)
3. You outsource to a copywriter (because you’re a g-damn rockstar at your craft and wanna outsource the ins and outs of your brand’s written word).
So where do the copywriting mistakes come from? Here’s a quick summary:
The main reasons people make copywriting mistakes are that they:
But it’s your brand’s ‘just words’ that work to convince your reader to buy.
It’s ‘just words’ that position you as an expert or a phony.
It’s ‘just words’ that connect or repel your reader.
And it’s ‘just words’ that tell your reader what to do next (then make them want to do it).
It’s easy to make copywriting mistakes if you’re not a copywriter. You’re not expected to know the ins and outs!
Just like how my Chef partner perfects dishes, while I forget ingredients (or to pre-heat the oven).
And my Graphic Designer friend craft intricate branding suites – whereas I’m lucky to add font and images to a Canva graphic in a way that looks semi-okay.
The point I’m making here is that if you’re making these copywriting mistakes, it’s a-okay. But I hope these tips assist your writing process in one way or another.
Writing your About Page about you (and only you) is one of the most common copywriting mistakes I see.
Each time my eyes oggle an About Page that fails to recognise the reader, a tiny mariachi meerkat loses his accordion player (you’ll understand that one if you’re on my mailing list).
Because despite the page’s title, your About Page is still about your audience.
It’s still an influencer in making a buying decision. And heck, it’s actually one of the most powerful pages on your website (and the second most visited).
So, what should your About Page actually include?
Flamin’ hot tip: Go on, open up your About Page. Check that bad boy to make sure these bits are in there.
Your About Page is hot property. The moshpit at a show. The needle to the vinyl. And it’s the perfect platform to make people feel.
But your readers will feel a grand total of nothing if you’re not talking to them.
If you’re not showing them that you ‘get’ them.
If you’re not speaking their language or grooving to the same tune.
Ch-ch-check it:
You’re a Fashion Designer with a Fashion Degree? Cool. So are most Fashion Designers. What else?
A huge copywriting mistake I see on About Pages is when business owners list their qualifications… Then stop right there.
Think about this instead: Why should your ideal customer care that you have a Fashion Degree?
Maybe it comes down to your Major, or the story of how a key project changed your perception of fashion…
Perhaps it’s the international influences you experienced when studying in Milan on exchange.
Or your placement with a respected brand.
You might have chosen to develop a fashion line on the side to complement your course.
Sketching patterns on a Friday night and getting up early on Saturday to bring it to life.
Maybe it’s nothing to do with your degree – and all to do with your experience.
Start delving into why your story makes you more valuable to them than the next person in your industry – and then, ladies and gents – you’re onto a winner.
A key element to copywriting is influencing the reader to take action.
Whether that’s to opt-in to your email list, click through to website page, add something to their cart or turn up to your show.
Of course, value-add content on your social media, website and in your emails is peachy for strengthening your connection with your audience.
But it’s also the perfect place to ask for something in return.
Why? Because they’ve shown interest in your content. So chances are – they’re picking up what you’re putting down.
Not adding a call to action, strategically placed opt-in or next step for a reader is simply a wasted opportunity. And worse, it can even be frustrating to the reader.
“Yeah, I’m feelin’ you hombre, how do I get some mor-a-dat pie?”
Not cool, right?
Try it:
Have you ever bought a pair of boots because they had a ‘low profile’? (Feature) I haven’t. I don’t even really know what that means.
But I have bought a pair of boots because I wanted to enter a gig feeling fierce (benefit).
Your product and service descriptions are commonly the last place your potential customer interacts with your brand before deciding to make a purchase.
So it’s tres important to give the reader reason to buy.
Yet, so many brands write them as feature-filled afterthoughts.
But, here’s the thing: we don’t remember the specifics of our birthday presents.
We remember how we felt at our birthday parties.
See how it’s the feeling that sticks? The experience? The… Magic?
Sure, include the features, but don’t forget to show your reader what this product will look like for them – in their lives.
What problems it will solve or how they’ll feel swaggering in those corduroys.
The good news is this: with Copywriting mistakes each have stellar solutions.
Remedying your copywriting mistakes can be as easy as knowing the dos and don’ts.
Want to see if you’re on the right track? Get in touch today and mention ‘boots for gigs’ for a 10% discount on your own copywriting audit. I’ll personally run through your website, social media posts, emails and marketing materials and capture this in real time – offering solutions to copywriting mistakes you may be making, as well as how to avoid them in the future. All for just $387+GST. Get in quick, limited places available.
Your friendly, neighbourhood copy tour manager. Here to help ambitious business rock stars like you rock your copy at every stage of your biz road trip.