
Yeah, okay, we’re getting in a bit early.  But we just had to share our top 5 inspiring business women with you for 2017 right NOW because we couldn’t possibly hold it in any longer. We are completely in awe of these powerful ladies conquering the world with their new business ventures and continuing to […]

Top 5 Inspiring Business Women 2017

business, INSPIRE, Uncategorized


As a self-confessed Nanna and inspiring artist, Emilia Lorena is one helluva go-getter.  Having migrated to the Gold Coast from Sydney, Emilia’s new home is grunge haven Mo’s Desert Clubhouse in Burleigh.  Hosting gigs & workshops under the roof of Mo’s has been a dream come true.  As one-third of the Mo gang, Emilia has […]

Emilia Lorena: The Pocket Rockstar & Macrame Queen

INSPIRE, Uncategorized


Cocktails in the sun, weekend getaways and a lucrative filming business.  It appears that Rosie Van has it all.  And when we look a little closer, it is quickly apparent that she does!  Bubbly, bright and bursting with vibrancy, did we mention that Rosie is a powerfully determined, self made businesswoman?  Building an online following of […]

Passionate, Powerful & Pretty Fab: Rosie Van of R Van Films

INSPIRE, Uncategorized


Personally, I don’t listen to music when I work.  Unless the repetitive squawk of a crow outside my window counts (how very poetic). But pumping up to get work done is a favourite pastime of mine and can really get those creative juices flowing, ya know? Here’s my get stuff done playlist that grooves me […]

Get Stuff Done Playlist

INSPIRE, Uncategorized


Initially a creative outlet, Mel Carrero’s passion for styling and capturing fashion began with a friend’s borrowed SLR camera.  Weaving an intriguing story of entrepreneurial exploration, opening doors and relishing in opportunities, Mel’s career has boomed since the early days.  Founding The Chubby Fashionista, Mel has since become a member of the Spell team in […]

Mel Carrero, The Chubby Fashionista Founder and SPELL Superstar

INSPIRE, Uncategorized

mel carrero

In case you're curious, I have a background in psychology, creative and technical writing. In a past life, I was an Acquired Brain Injury Specialist and failed my career as an Uber Driver. Now we're here. Well, we've been here since 2017 (I mean not 'here' here, but you know what I mean). Have a peek around handy articles right here. Not 'here' here, up there above here. Okay I'll stop. 

But you can call me llama mama ding dong if you like

Hey, I'm Dan

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A cat-loving, U2 despising brand voice strategist and launch copywriter for rebellious business rock stars.

Hey, I'm Dan
